Buy Policy
- Must be at least 18 years of age to sell the product.
- We only accept a valid physical Drivers License or State ID. We cannot accept Passports, military IDs, School IDs, Paper IDs, or a photograph of your ID.
- You need your ID EVERY TIME you sell.
- You can only sell to us once per day.
- If you refuse our offer it is null and void immediately.
- Do not expect the same price if you come back later.
- It is first come first serve.
- We buy all day, every day.
- We do not give quotes over the phone.
- All discs need cases and original artwork to sell.
- We do not buy everything.
- We do not buy multiple copies of items.
- We can refuse to buy from anyone for any reason.
- We may refuse your sealed merchandise.
- If you are banned by local authorities it is a lifelong ban.
- Customers buying our product will always take priority.
- You may take our offer in cash, in-store credit, it is the same amount.
- Our buy prices are not negotiable.
- Once you agree to the price we offer the product is store property. You cannot get the items back!
Return Policy
- Returns are in-store credit only! This applies to all items excluding Discount.
- We have a 7-day guarantee against defects only!
- You cannot return an item just because you do not like it.
- You cannot return an item because you already have it.
- You cannot return an item because you don’t need it anymore.
- You cannot return an item because you bought the wrong item.
- You cannot return an item because you thought it was something else You cannot return an item because you found it cheaper somewhere else. You cannot return an item after the 7-day warranty.
- All digital copies are considered VOID and unusable.
- If it works on our equipment, it is not defective.
- (If you damage the product to return it, we will deny the return.)
- We are a second-hand store. We do not operate the same as a new retail store.
- The reason our return policy is strict is that it is abused on a daily basis.
- We are not a rental store. You cannot buy our product to watch, burn, rip, or
- test to see if you like it and then return for something else.
To return a product:
- Your ID will be scanned.
- You must have the original MMX receipt.
- It must be brought back within 7 days of purchase.
- It must be in the same condition as it was when purchashed.
- It must have all the pieces that were sold with the product.
- Serial numbers must match & warranty seals must be intact.
When you return a product:
- It will be replaced be the same product if it is available.
- If not, then you may pick something else out OR be issued a gift card to be used at your convenience.
- Gift cards are only good at this location.
- Customers who abuse the system with multiple returns will be denied the right to return anything. We are not a rental store.